Floor Plans, a Realtor’s New Best Friend

Floor Plans, a Realtor’s New Best Friend

January 14, 2016 Uncategorized 0

Floor plans are a useful tool for making your property stand out.

With more and more people trying their hand at real estate, it is more important than ever for brokers to explore new ways of differentiating themselves. One growing strategy is to provide floor plans of real estate listings. In years prior, it was expensive to have floor plans created. However, with advancements in technology and the arrival of companies like Floor Plan Ninja, it has never been easier. Typical appointments take between 1-2 hours with the floor plan available within 48 hours. Here are a few different reasons why Realtors have experienced success with using floor plans as a marketing tool.Handout 1st Floor_1

1. Floor Plans can be uploaded to the MLS as easily as a photo

Photos are extremely important but sometimes they just don’t do a good job of describing the property. This is where a well drawn floor plan can really help. And since floor plans can be created as JPGs or PDFs, they can be uploaded to virtually any MLS system. A good strategy is to add the floor plan as the last photo of a listing. This allows viewers to see where the photos were taken from.

2. Floor Plans are a great way of establishing contact with potential buyers

One of the most helpful parts of a floor plan is the dimensions. This allows potential buyers the ability to see if their furnishings will fit. It also allows them to figure out where their family members will go. And because these are important buying factors, it moves buyers closer to the close.308 ROEBLING RD N_5

A great strategy is to upload the floor plan without dimensions to the MLS and have a disclaimer that says “For a copy of the floor plan with dimensions please email…” or “For an interactive floor plan with pictures and dimensions please email…”. This gives additional incentive to reaching out to you!

3. Buyers will have something to remember the property by

People who are actively seeking to purchase a home are looking at multiple homes each day. It can become very overwhelming trying to remember which house is which. Having a floor plan for the buyers to look at will make it easier to remember which home is which. A good strategy is to have copies made of the floor plans and leave them at the property. This way if someone visits the house they will leave with something to remember the home by.

4. Reduce the amount of tire-kicker walk throughs

Unexpected walk throughs can be inconvenient and awkward for families of occupied homes. Floor plans can be a useful tool to weed out non-interested buyers because they will not need to walk through the house to understand the layout. This is especially helpful for property rentals where the commission is typically less.

5. Floor Plans make it easy to visualize future renovations

Some people buy homes with the intentions of flipping the property to make some money. A floor plan makes it easier to visualize the final product. We have even had buyers use our services during walk throughs because they intended on remodeling whatever they purchased.

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