3D Floor Plans, the Must-Have’s of Tomorrow’s Real Estate World

3D Floor Plans, the Must-Have’s of Tomorrow’s Real Estate World

February 9, 2016 Uncategorized 1

Let’s face it, buyers are getting smarter. They have more and more outlets for getting what they want. If they see a virtual walk through on one property, they wonder why the next property doesn’t have one. The same can be said for floor plans, professional photographs, home staging, etc. It’s getting expensive being the top dog real estate agent! Where does one spend their marketing dollars? Well luckily, theres something out there that combines a lot of these things.

Companies are beginning to offer 3D floor plans for real estate listings. Why are they doing this? Because nothing describes a property better than a scaled model of a property. Which is exactly what a 3D rendering can be, a virtual model of the home. Kind of funny because 3D models have been around since… well I don’t know, but I imagine a long time. So why are they making such a fierce comeback? Because these days almost everyone has a computer in their pocket capable of viewing and manipulating a virtual 3D model. And once you have tried it once, every thing else feels so… cave man.2


3D models let perspective buyers do a variety of cool things. They can rotate around the 3D floor plan using their phone, tablet, or PC. They can make furniture disappear with a click of a button or see how the sun affects the house in different parts of the year (seriously). What if they only want a house with wood flooring? No worries, let’s just press this button…and…boom, Exotic Antique Hazel Strand Bamboo flooring throughout the whole house.

It doesn’t take long to realize why people like this. It’s helpful, easy to understand, and actually pretty fun. Another neat thing about a 3D model is that its still useful after the house has been purchased. What if Susie Homebuyer would like to see the best layout for her furniture without breaking her back? Her 3D floor plan can help with that! Or what if she would like to make renovations to her home? Her 3D model would be the best place to start! These virtual floor plans are malleable in the right hands and can reflect whatever one’s heart desires.

It’s easy to see how 3D floor plans will change the way realtors market in the future.
First Floor_lightup(Scene 2)_2016-05-09_1217

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One Response

  1. who do I talk to about this? I am in need of an estimate to enlarge a master bath for prospective buyers for my home I just listed.


    Doreen Duvall Flood
    Keller Williams Realty St. Petersburg

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