3 Tips to Staging the Inside of Your Home Like a Pro

3 Tips to Staging the Inside of Your Home Like a Pro

January 21, 2016 Uncategorized 1

Putting your house up for sale can seem overwhelming. Where do you start? What if it takes too long to sell, or you don’t get the price you’re looking for?

A good place to start is by setting the scene to get potential buyers interested in your property right away – by “staging” your home.

Both the outside and the inside of your home need your attention if you want to effectively draw buyers’ attention. Here are a few tips for staging your home’s interior:

1. De-clutter.

One of the most important ways to make your home more attractive to buyers, de-cluttering also helps you check another thing off your to-do list. Since you’re going to be moving once you sell your home, you can start packing now, at the same time you’re ridding the house of clutter. Pack up what don’t need and store boxes in an out-of-sight place like the garage or a rented storage unit.

Clear off kitchen counters by stashing appliances you don’t use, and put small clutter in well-placed decorative baskets or boxes.

2. Organize your closets.

Group clothing by color and type of garment (put pants together, shirts together, etc.). Strange as it may sound, an organized closet actually appears bigger, and you want your closets to look as spacious as possible. Closet space is a big selling point.

3. Make it look like a model home.

Help potential buyers imagine themselves and their things in your home by de-personalizing as much as possible. Minimize by putting away what you don’t need or use, especially personal items like photos.

The best tip to follow – look at your house through the eyes of a potential buyer who’s never laid eyes on it before. Would you want to buy the home if you were in their shoes, and what things would you want changed before putting an offer on it?

You may need to invest several thousand dollars to get your house ready to sell, but don’t worry, you’ll see a return on that investment when your house sells. When done right, staging helps you sell your house more quickly and at the price you want.

To learn more about staging your home affordably, check out these tips from the pros at HGTV.

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One Response

  1. Mark Joshua says:

    Nice tips you got there. It’s very helpful! Thanks for sharing.

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